Fun & Fellowship
Student Dinners
We love spending time together around a nice, home-cooked meal. Just RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.
Movie Nights
Le't’s pop some popcorn, bake some cookies, kick back and enjoy a film together. Everyone is invited!
Sports & Games
We love sports and games—Ultimate Frisbee, pick-up soccer, broomball, Settlers of Catan—you name it!
Outdoor Activities
Throughout the school year, we are always hiking, biking, skiing, etc. We would love for you to join us!
On-Campus Events
There are always cool things on campus—athletic events ("Let’s go Cats!"), plays, guest lecturers, etc. Experience all UVM has to offer!
Off-Campus Events
In case you haven't noticed, Burlington is an awesome city with lots of festivals and tons of things to enjoy: concerts, picnics, and more! Join us!